- I've since realized that a 4x4 matrix simply isn't going to work for
what I want to do.
The linear system that I was working on (fun.txt, funfun.txt) is flawed.
The maximum number of control points that can be used to create a 4x4
xform matrix is 5 (not 8). Any more than that, and the system becomes
overspecified. This does nothing to improve the accuracy of the resulting
matrix, it just makes it harder to solve.
There *are* deformation techniques that use 8 control points (Sederberg
and Parry, 1986), but these techniques do *not* produce a deformation matrix
as their result; they operate directly on the model data (interpolation,
using (bezier ?) curves, the same stuff done in image morphing software),
and store their changes right in the polygon mesh. This doesn't work for me.
One of the big advantages to my system (at the moment) is that a unique copy
of each building does *not* need to be stored.
Is near as I can tell, the *only* way to get non-parallel edges after
performing a transformation on a rectangle is through the use of the
"taper" values in the transformation matrix (a31 & a32 in 3x3,
a41, a42 & a43 in 4x4). Additionally, there's no way to prevent the
side-effect of z-value distortion (tilted rooftops), as each of the taper
transformations act on a plane (a41 acts on y and z, etc).
I've left the system as it is; users will just have to keep in mind that
very skewed blocks won't look right.
Anyway, this description of the problem will remain here. Perhaps someone
with more experience will think of some way around this.
(end of update)
The problem
The routine used to stretch/rotate/scale building models to fit into their
assigned block divisions is based on an algorithm I found
here .
The code is in matrix_find_transform_matrix()
Note that it is a 2d algorithm. This is a problem. The result is a 3x3 transformation matrix.
We need a 4x4 transformation matrix, as our transformations will be made in 3d.
My (naive) solution was to turn the 3x3 matrix into a 4x4 matrix. See
| a11 a12 a13 |
| a21 a22 a23 |
| a31 a32 a33 |
becomes this:
| a11 a12 0 a13 |
| a21 a22 0 a23 |
| 0 0 1 0 |
| a31 a32 0 1 |
The a31 and a32 entries are the ones to really pay attention to here. As
this page explains,
these values have the effect of tapering points toward the x and y axes. This is fine
for 2d, but in 3d, there is an unwanted (for me, at least) side effect: building-to-subblock
transformation matrices that have large values for a31 and a32 (resulting from placing a
building in a very skewed, non-orthogonal subblock) will also cause the tops of the buildings
to be tilted or skewed. This is because the same tapering effect that a31 and a32 have
(in order to make the building fit nicely) also cause the roof of a building to be tapered
toward the x and y axes.
In short, it looks weird.
The solution
The solution is obvious: do what the author of
the original algorithm
did, but extend it to 3 dimensions, and 8 control points.
Easier said than done, though. Since there are now 8 required control points, and there are 3 values
per point (x,y,z) the intermediate matrix has 24 rows. And since we now need a 4x4 matrix, the
intermediate matrix has 16 columns. That's a 24x16 matrix, representing a system of
equations. My head hurts already.
Here's how far I've gotten: